Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) is non-uniformity mathematical expression. The meter, SWR, is used to measure how good the transmit power signal emitted from a radio is traveling through any antenna system into the atmosphere.
What is SWR? According to Wikipedia,
In radio engineering and telecommunications, standing wave ratio (SWR) is a measure of impedance matching of loads to the characteristic impedance of a transmission line or waveguide.
Setting and checking the antenna is critical. SWR should be checked to ensure the transmit power when installation of a Business Brand, Ham or Marin radio, CB Radio or installing a new antenna. Here, see the article How to install CB Radio Antenna. A poor performing antenna reduces range and damage the transceiver.
An SWR meter, Stainding wave ratio, like the AUSWR meter, is used in connection with a short coaxial cable with the radio and antenna system. When a “SWR” is tesed, the meter will show, if your antenna is properly working or not. If you test SWR meter in the red, that indicates that is a significant problem with the antenna system or a bad radio ground. Don’t use or operate the radio until a good SWR reading can be achieved.
Some radio is included a built-in meter while other compact radios do not have. If the meter is not built-in, then you have to get one so that you can tune the antenna as you want. Most of the CB radio SWR meters are affordable like the AUSWR Meter But other frequencies checker meters can be expensive.
How to use SWR Meter
To use SWR meter you need to know how meter range works. So, start!
SWR Range Explanations
SWR 1.0-1.5
If your SWR is under 1.5, you are in good shape. This is the ideal range. If you are at 1.5, and really want to drop down to closer to one (1.0), it is
SWR 1.5-1.9
This range is for improvement, but this range still can
SWR 2.0-2.4
It is not a good range, but it doesn’t indicate any damage. However, you must try to improve if you can. It can be cause for tuning or poor antenna mounting location. So, for good result, you should change the mounting location or get a high quality antenna.
SWR 2.5-2.9
The performance of this range is bad. It might indicate of damage of your radio. If your radio is in the range, we will advice not to use it then.
SWR 3.0+
You are likely to damage your CB radio or Ham with the extended transmission if you use in those ranges. You should not transmit with your CB at SWR levels above 3.0.
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